Thursday 11 August 2011

Weigh Day Results 11 Aug 2011

Yippee I lost 3lb, I am back at my pre-holiday 2 stone total weight loss, and back to being overweight not obese, what a fab slimming world week.

OK so I slipped up on keeping my diary updated towards the end of the week, I did actually keep a list on my PC at work I just didn't find the time to blog (naughty me!).  I managed to stay on the right side of 105 (just) but  what I figure made the difference was that I hit the gym on Friday, Sunday and Monday, I started using the cross trainer, which is less painful on the old ankle and gets me really hot and sweaty (which I take as a sign of a good workout).

I started volunteering to take the money at class, what with there being no consistency in leaders I thought it might help if at least someone looked the same each week when everyone got weighed, my mum is doing the weighing so its a real family affair.  I really like helping out, being part of the group, it definitely inspires me to get enough weight off so I can apply to be a consultant myself.

Anyhow night night, have a good week everyone!

1 comment:

  1. oops realised a fault with this post; clearly I don't want to 'look the same' each week, I want to look slimmer! lol
