Sunday 20 November 2011

Getting on track after missing class!

I know a lot of people do SW without going to class, some very successfully but I am useless I know someone else is watching me - recording my weight and making sure I know where I am going wrong. I missed class last week to go to an awards ceremony - we won by the way- yipee!

But that means I have been off plan since Thursday morning when I stupidly decided to eat what I felt like, a slight hangover on Friday meant more junk food and a takeaway for tea and now I can't seem to get back under control, I keep starting each day with good intentions but have developed a taste for things I shouldn't and that is overriding my efforts.  I do really want to get motivated again, I have been messing about for far too long - I want to be at target by May that's 23 weeks and I need to loose 33lbs.  I need to start losing 2lb a week on a regular basis to have any chance of achieving this goal - it is time to get serious.

I need to set a new food diary challenge so come Thursday when I get weighed again I am going to start a new page (turn over a new leaf?) and set about that 2lb a week loss.

Wish me luck!!!

Friday 11 November 2011

weigh day results 10 Nov 2011

OK I suspected that it would be a gain, I am not even surprised by the size, I deserved every single one of those 3lb's.  Those who are good at Maths will have already worked out that I am back up above the 2.5stone I was so happy about last week - damn it!

The reason for my appalling gain - I have had a stinking cold all week, my car is broken, its horrible weather and I remember why I learnt to drive, public transport is unreliable and slow and nothing is more depressing than standing at bus stop shivering for 40 minutes.  I turned to food for comfort, and despite having a whole host of healthy options for warm comforting food I decided I wanted everything I shouldn't. For anyone who is going off the wagon for a week who loves burgers I highly recommend Oscar's Mountain Burger from Oscar's wine bar in York, the Special burger is amazing too (from previous experience).  However anyone thinking about actually losing weight probably should avoid it like the plague.  I suspect if I had stopped there I might have maintained, but the rest of the week was no better biscuits, sandwiches, toast, pasties, chocolate... the list goes on.

Oh well never mind, what's done is done I have started this week determined to get back on the plan, I am still not 100% well but I have set myself a goal for Christmas and I am never going to get there unless I am dedicated.

I went shopping yesterday and ended up buying some clothes in ASDA without trying them on, I picked up 14's because my work trousers are a 14 from there, and fit fine.  Hmm sizing is an evil devil the size 14 jeans I picked up are impossible to fasten, they barely make it over my bum - very disappointed.  However I will not be beaten I am wearing them this Christmas, and I do mean 2011!

Tomorrow SW curry for tea - no takeaways, no eating out!!! Wish me look fellow weight battlers!

Saturday 5 November 2011

Slack Alice blogger is back again - with an award !!

So its been a couple of weeks and I finally got my 2.5stone award - yipee!  Down to 13stone 5lb lowest weight since about 2005.  I am trying desperately to get down to a real size 14 dress size - I have an awards ceremony to attend for work on the 17 November. Incidentally this is weigh night so I will be missing one, but am going to look for a Friday class that week so I can keep on track.

I really want to look good and don't want to buy a 16 as I will probably not wear it again if I keep losing weight being I am on the cusp of a 14 already, definitely on the bottom, tops are still just a bit tight.

I am going to go shopping tomorrow to the coast outlet shop in York and we will see how it goes, I can't look a mess as I am sitting on a table with the chief exec of the local council and various other senior managers... scary!!

So what else do I have to share, oh my group still doesn't have a new leader, we have about 20 regular weigh-ins at the moment but I don't think we are going to see any real growth until we have some consistency - If I was closer to target I think I would take it on, I know it could be a good one, the audience is out there they just need someone to take them under their wing and get them on track to a better, healthier life.

I have really begun thinking that a career in slimming world might be my next step - I really do believe losing weight with a healthy long term plan is life changing, I wanted to loose weight to look better; but you know what the real benefits -feeling fitter, having more energy and not using my weight as an excuse have been much bigger and more important changes - if I could bottle up the change losing weight has had on my life I think I could make a fortune.

When you are really overweight; when just tying your shoes makes you out of breath, when you loose interest in your life, can't be bothered to do anything around the house and start believing that this is you, this is all you deserve: The idea that you might one day love going to the gym, relish seeing the house clean and shiny - be much happier doing something than just sitting around and actually feel alive again is so unbelievable that you just continue to vegetate and get bigger.

Even after starting to loose weight, the littlest set backs are so hard to overcome when you just don't seem to be able to do anything right, you can make excuses for why you can't loose weight but the only real barrier to a happier you is you, and throughout your journey you will have days like that, days when its easier to say this is me, I can cope with that - but remembering that you already feel better and that you could feel better still if you continue to try is what you should hang on to.

The journey may be long -but its worth it and one day you will look in the mirror and smile - I know one day I will, well at least I might look at myself and not feel the urge to throw something at the mirror.

Here endeth my though for the day|!!

Happy slimming!!