Sunday 24 July 2011

Back from holiday - Back on track tomorrow

I arrived back yesterday, I haven't been shopping yet so I haven't got back on track immediately (I know excuses, excuses).  My lovely 'mummy' has kindly made me a syn free quiche to take for lunch tomorrow so I can start afresh, she is a star!

Things at my SW class are a bit rubbish at the moment, a couple of weeks before I went away, our leader announced that due to health problems (2 operations with 18 months recovery time) she will be giving up running the class, and won't be coming back.  This has left the group with a interchangable set of consultants and team leaders from around the area.

Now as a long term SW devotee, I have my share of leaders and whilst they all do there best they are not all equal. A good leader is understanding, motivating, commited, interesting, encourages participation and shares useful information and recipes etc.  A good leader understands that everyone approaches their journey at a different pace. She or he accepts that we and our bodies are all different, so when we have those unexplained maintains, or god forbid gains we are not made to feel that it is our fault and sent home like a naughty child told 'must do better'.

More importantly they don't scoff at our oddities. for example some people really don't lose weight when they eat bananas (lets face it there is a reason they are not free on a lot of diets, they are high in starch and 110 calories each).  I am lucky and they have never been a problem for me, but I know some people swear that for them too many bananas are a no, no.  If you are happy to avoid eating them, and it works for you then nobody should be telling you that you are wrong to do so, you know your body better than anyone else.  I would say though checking that it isn't something else that is tripping you up should be your first point of action, before cutting out 'free' foods.

I hope we get a permanent leader soon, someone who can deliver all of the above and at least atttempt to fill Lynn's shoes, our group has always been friendly and welcoming and we have normally had a good stay to class rate, this was testament to Lynn's enthusiasm and happy demeanour - you will be missed, and I for one hope you are back fighting fit soon. 

So now we are a make do group with no sense of consistency, which I accept as an unfortunate situation which is nobodies fault but now I think someone has seriously dropped the ball. My mum went to class while I was on holiday last week, and there was no-one there, no warning, no messages or emails to explain why, she contacted SW head office and the person she needed to speak to wasn't there and so she is now waiting on a response.  Numbers have been dwindling since our leader left, and the team leader was talking about moving the group but nobody has contacted me or mum to let us know, as we are the longest serving members of the group I think that this is pretty off, so come on SW get your act together!

Sorry for the rant, just needed to get that off my chest.  Back to me, assuming I have a class to go to on Thursday I will hopefully be able to update you on the holiday damage and my next target/challenge then.


  1. Hope things get better soon there's nothing worse than a group that isn't motivating.

    Can you tell me how you got the tabs at the top? I've been trying to do the same on my blog but being crap with computers I can't work it out!

  2. Hi as far as I can remember you pull the box called pages from the side bar up to just under the title.
